A (rather alarming!) bump on the head which resulted from the somewhat thoughtless use of a pair of over-excited hands, got us thinking.
Hands are such useful things. They come in all colours…..
and shapes. And they can do so many positive
things, can’t they.
So they should definitely never be used for hitting. In fact we read a book all about it so it must be true! Hitting, as we all know, hurts. It hurts in two ways. It hurts our bodies, but it also hurts our feelings.
So let’s think about all of the different things we can do with our hands other than hitting.
Hands are for holding, for hugging…..
and carrying.
Hands are for exploring, for stroking…..
and coaxing.
They’re for eating and drinking…..
for climbing and swinging and helping.
Hands are for gathering and giving.
For caring.
And waving.
So many positive
things that we can use our hands for without hitting or hurting or shoving or snatching or pushing or pinching…..
What other positive
things do you use yours for?
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