Thursday 22 September 2011

a warm fuzzy feeling

Remember our friend Ling Sung; how he didn’t want to go to school?  He felt sad, as Melchior explained, ‘because so many people knew how to do things he did not know how to do.’

So how did the story turn out?  Do you remember?  Yanis explained, ‘He could eat with chopsticks.’

‘And the other people could not,’ added Tanisha.

Exactly; Ling Sung didn’t want to go to school until the day that he suddenly discovered he too had a talent.  Remember how proud he felt when his teachers and friends clapped and praised him, paid him compliments?

‘What does that mean?’  This from Melchior.

Tanisha helped out.  ‘It’s when you say you like something.’

To illustrate the point, Béatrix picked up someone’s painting.  ‘I love the way you decorated the background,’ she began (or to be more precise, ‘J'adore le fond'); ‘I like the dots of bright colour’ – ‘les petits points de couleur’.

And do you know?  Even if we hadn’t known who she was complimenting, we would have been able to tell; a great big beaming smile spread right across his face.  And he felt good!  Warm and fuzzy inside.  You just could tell!

Anusha tried it.  On Aalian.


‘I like the green tee-shirt and the hair,' she told him.  ‘Thank you', he responded.  (Always a good idea to thank someone who pays you a compliment!)  In turn, he picked on Ella.


‘I like the way you did the hair,’ he told her.  She selected Lakeisha’s portrait for her compliment.


‘I like the colour you did the hair.’  And now Lakeisha to Luna.


‘I like the colour of the tee-shirt,’ she told her.  So very very pink!  Luna, in turn, chose Joseph.


‘I like the hair,’ she said.  Funky!  Joseph now; to Melina.


‘I like the tee-shirt,’ he told her.  She too liked a tee-shirt.  Melchior’s.


‘’I like the way you drew the tee-shirt.’  Melchior now.  Paying a compliment to Yanis.


‘I like the hair.  It’s like real hair.’  Indeed it is!  Moving on, Yanis told Alexis…..


‘I like the shoulders.’  Personally I also love that happy face!  Alexis too likes to see the smiles of others.  He told Tim…..


‘I like it very much.  I like the smile.’  Tim to Nicholas now.


‘I like the colour you did the hair,’ he told him.  Nicholas loved Tanisha’s portrait.


‘I like all of it’ he stated, matter-of-fact.  Tanisha selected Anusha’s for her compliment. 


‘I like the pony tail,’ she told her.  Anusha chose Aalian – but of course you already know that!

Having someone pay you a compliment is a good feeling – but do you know what?  Paying someone a compliment also feels good too.  So we got a double dose of the warm fuzzies; fortunate as it turned out, as it was an extremely chilly day – and the school’s boiler had not yet been fired up!

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