Thursday 3 November 2011

art part one - an autumnal carpet

Remember all of those fall-ing leaves?  Well if you were to pop outside the classroom and look down towards your feet, you would probably see something a bit like this.


A leafy carpet made up of the shades of autumn; reds and yellows and browns.

Which brings me to Wed-nes-day’s art.  Art in two parts.  Part one of which requires paint in three colours.  With which to paint ourselves a carpet of autumn shades.  Yes, you’ve guessed; red and yellow and brown.  ‘Oh but’, I hear you ask, ‘what about this and  this and this?  And what about this?’

Bianca to the rescue.  ‘You can use red and yellow to make orange.’  And indeed you can.  And you can use a bit more yellow and a bit less red to make a slightly different orange.  And maybe you could add a bit of brown too.

Your challenge is to try and create as many different shades of autumn as you can using just those three colours; red and yellow…..


and brown.  But be c-a-r-e-f-u-l because if you just keep mixing and stirring and mixing and stirring, your carpet will be more muddy doormat than Wilton!

And off we go; are you counting?  Here are red and yellow…..


and here is the orange they made.


A little more of this…..


perhaps – and then how about these shades – and these – and these? 

_MG_6019     _MG_6010     _MG_6016    

Tim, for one, gives them the thumbs up!


(PS How many different shades of autumn did you count?  I bet it was more than three!)

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